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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

{learning} how to fall

We read this story in our devotion book the other evening: {I will paraphrase some of it}

Little Sammy had to wear leg braces because he had polio. He fell often but still wanted to attend school. One day he fell down the steps and his teacher rushed over to see if he was ok. 
"Sammy, are you hurt?"
Sammy SMILED up at her and said:  
 "No, I've learned HOW TO FALL."
As people saved by grace, we need to learn how to fall. 

First. We must realize that we WILL fall. There is sin in this world, still residing in our hearts. Falling is inevitable.
Second. No one ever falls all. by. himself. There are consequences. If I am a child of God, His chastisement will remind me; and more than likely, there will be at least 1 human who notices also. Our actions affects other people.

And I must learn that it is not the fall that will destroy me. It is how I handle it. I must allow God to work in my life. 

God can use any fall to bring Him glory if we are seeking His face- searching for Him.

And that is learning how to fall.

Always into His waiting arms of grace, picking us up, helping us make it right, strengthening us to apologize, supporting us, allowing us another opportunity to make it right, giving us grace to learn through the consequences.

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