I have used this system before and it really worked for me! but a new baby threw me out of the habit...
and it is a habit I NEED to relearn! and thought I would share my ideas with you.
and it is a habit I NEED to relearn! and thought I would share my ideas with you.
the whole year with week #s labeled
I have incorporated some ideas from flylady
into my own organized daily/weekly/monthly agenda.
I have broken my home into 4 weeks.
and there are certain things done
the same day ever week [right side]
and some things done a certain day
every month [left side]
and since approximately every other month has 5 weeks,
week 5 is a catch-up week!
and there is a little room left in the middle
to write down appointments or other activities.
and a list of things done daily... well, is the make beds, swish & swipe, empty dishwasher, prepare for supper [even if it's just looking at what is scheduled--see below], vacuum high traffic areas [only], gather toys in basket for kids to put away, ready table for supper, ready clothing for the next day [mostly the oldest girl for school], shine sink, load dishwasher. On purpose my list does not include such as getting dressed & brushing teeth... eating meals... changing diapers. {smiles} I could get too bogged down with details. even more than it seems I already do.
planning meals in 2-week increments
has been a big help in the past,
and I am dedicated to doing it again!
from the ingredients list I can know what I need
to add to my grocery list very simply,
without having a bunch of recipe cards all laid out.
If you would like a blank week page on which to put your own chores, please contact me and I will be happy to email one to you!